Dressing up as milk

My four-year-old put on a tie, successfully wrapped a bandana around his head and came proudly into the kitchen. I asked him what he was dressed up as. He smiled and yelled, “MILK!”
What? Milk!? That was not the answer I was expecting.  What does that even mean?

This moment of confusion and misrepresentation of the basic creamy drink reminded me of how I feel at times. No, I don’t remember ever feeling like milk, but I do get confused as to what my purpose is here on the earth. We are surrounded with distractions, messages as to who we are to be, what we are to think, and how we are supposed to spend our time that our purpose gets muddled and processed, and we may even end up feeling a little like milk.
We can’t lose focus. Don’t let the overloading pressure of this world to be busy or the noises of our culture shrewdly redefine your purpose in life.

“Be sure to fear the Lord and serve Him faithfully with all our heart;

consider what great things He has done for you.” 1 Samuel 12:24

Isn’t that beautiful? A simple definition of how you are to live your life.  Fear the Lord and serve Him faithfully with all our heart. Consider the great things He has done for you.
Fear the Lord – The great Creator of all, the All-knowing, ever-present, all-powerful God of the universe, the One who sent His Only Son to save us from our sins, He is the One we should fear, obey, respect.
Serve Him faithfully – each person was created for this. By going through your day, sharing His love with those He puts in your life, by doing your best in all that you do, by giving of your time or resources to help others, what ever it is that He has led you to do today, do it faithfully.
Consider the great things He has done for you – remind yourself of how He has saved you, how He has made all things work together for the good of those who love Him, how He has rescued you, answered prayer, and brought you to this moment. Taking time to consider all He has done refreshes your mind and infuses courage into your soul.
Let’s not dress up as milk today. Let us be who God called us to be.

“Be sure to fear the Lord and serve Him faithfully with all our heart; consider what great things He has done for you.” 1 Samuel 12:24